Natural Blood Thinners:
How to thin your Blood

Are there natural blood thinners -- even home remedies for blood clots -- as good as blood clot meds?

YES and NO…

YES … many foods prevent blood clots and act as natural blood thinners, including fruits, vegetables, spices and fish oil. 

Posted here is a list of foods as blood thinners.  Certainly, add these to your daily diet as home remedies for blood clots. These will help prevent ABNORMAL blood clotting and will reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke....

NO ... while most natural blood thinners are helpful, there are ONLY A FEW to help correct the ROOT CAUSE of the problem!  

YES, there is a discovery that works fast enough, lasts long enough, and is potent enough  -- if you are already prone to BLOOD CLOTS or have POOR CIRCULATION and are at risk for a stroke or heart attack!

Natural Treatment for Blood Clots won Nobel Prize

There is a natural discovery for reversing heart disease and dissolving blood clots -- that CANNOT BE PATENTED.

  • This discovery of how the body improves its circulation and dissolves blood clots received the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology in 1998.

But this discovery could not be patented by drug companies, so it was ignored. And because it is natural, not all cardiologists use it and are excited: 

  • “We have finally found a potent natural agent  that can help thin and dissolve clots effectively with relative safety and without side effects, and this is the most exciting development in the prevention of cardiovascular problems.”

Martin Milner, MD, Professor of Cardiology and Pulmonary Medicine, Center for Natural Medicine.

This "potent natural agent" is nitric oxide. But your body needs to make nitric oxide itself.   It was found that arginine stimulates the production of nitric oxide! 

 SAFE arginine - Best nitric oxide pills?

Dr. Harry Elwart, ND, PhD, is on a mission to stop heart disease and unwanted blood clots! 

Dr. Harry worked with the winner of the Nobel Prize, Dr. Ignarro, to create a SAFE arginine formula: 

They found that arginine pills are not safe!

Arginine on its own is not safe, he and his co-workers discovered. 

They added and tested proven heart nutrients to create a formula that is SAFE. 

  • Dr. Harry's top-selling formula is carefully balanced with citrulline and many vital heart nutrients!

His ENHANCED formula extends and balances Arginine.   This can SAFELY and gently help dissolve existing blood clots and prevent future blood clots naturally.


  • Dr. Harry on dissolving and preventing unwanted blood clots naturally!

Why add a natural treatment for blood clots?

Know the dangerous side effects of blood clot meds

Are natural blood thinners SAFER than blood thinner medication?

YES... natural agents will stop ABNORMAL blood clotting so that wounds and normal bleeding is still stopped if you are cut or injured.

NO....Blood thinner medications may not be NOT your best long term solution. Why?

  • When your doctor prescribes a blood thinner medication, its action will STOP your blood from clotting – even when clotting is needed to save your life!
  • A blood thinner medication stops your body from making Vitamin K, which is needed for blood clotting.  Vitamin K depletion also speeds up aging.

So if you fall or if you are injured you may have internal bleeding, and you will also have an increased risk of having a bleeding brain stroke.

  • Blood thinner medication does NOT improve your circulation NOR does it dissolve small clots that typically cause poor circulation in your LEGS as well as MEMORY problems in your BRAIN.
  • Blood thinner medication is DIFFICULT to MANAGE to get the level right, and as a result you have to avoid fruits and vegetables that are “natural blood thinners” including the green vegetables that YOU NEED to stay healthy!

Blood thinner medication is rated the highest possible danger of all drugs!

You can easily add a variety of fruits and vegetable as natural blood thinners supplements.

Hopefully we have given you new options and a recommendation for the best natural blood thinner supplement. 

How to Avoid Side Effects of Blood Thinners

Best Blood Thinning Foods:

Solve AFIB Naturally:

Prevent a Stroke:


Fruits & Vegetables as Natural Blood Thinners

Best blood thinning fruits raspberries

Along with the benefits of arginine, here are fruits and vegetables that have been as well researched as drugs for their blood thinning effects:

SUPPLEMENTS typically used for poor circulation and preventing blood clots include:

  • Fish oil, ginger, MSM and protease enzymes such as wobenzym and vitalzym.

The following are not so well known as natural blood thinners:

  • Green beans and tomatoes keep blood cells from clumping together (antiplatelet activity)
  • Grapes and raspberries prevent clot formation (anticoagulant activities)
  • Raspberries have clot dissolving ability (fibrinolytic activity)

Source: Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2011 Feb 9.

  • Sea vegetables (edible seaweeds as in sushi) have anti blood clotting properties and play an important part in keeping fats in the blood safe. (lipid metabolism)

YES … Eating a bigger assortment of fruits, vegetables, spices and adding will build your heart health.

Then you can phase out your blood thinner medication with your doctor’s supervision.

This way you can avoid the very serious risks of brain bleeding and calcium build up in the arteries -- the dangerous side effects of blood thinners.

Cherries, Apples, Grapes, Pineapples: Natural Blood Thinners

Blood thinning fruits cherries and grapes

Fruits are good sources of anticoagulants that reduce blood clotting.

Nutritionists recommend 2-3 servings of fruits a day for better health. Drinking fruit juices is a convenient way to meet this daily requirement, as these are concentrated.

TART CHERRIES are the “new kid on the block,” as researchers at the University of Michigan are finding that /b>"tart cherries contain anthocyanins which reduce both cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors,” thus improving cholesterol, blood glucose, fats and insulin levels.

  • Taking 2 tablespoons of tart Tart Cherry Concentrate per day, or the equivalent of 45 cherries, reduces the inflammatory markers in the blood. (Journal of Nutrition, 2006, Vol. 136, pp. 981-986)

GRAPES are rich in flavonoids that reduce blood "clumping" and harmful blood clots.

Purple grape juice's "anti platelet activity" shows stronger than aspirin according to the 47th Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology.

  • Drinking two cups of purple grape juice a day for seven days is better than taking aspirin! (Platelet aggregation or clumping better than if you take aspirin).

APPLES also contain phytonutrients like those found in grapes to reduce blood clots.

(Study by UC Davis School of Medicine)

Blood thinning fruits apples
  • Drinking a 12-ounce glass of 100% apple juice (non-sweetened) every day for 6 weeks helps to break down LDL or "bad" cholesterol, which also causes strokes.

PINEAPPLES are well-known as great sources of fiber, which acts like a broom in removing toxins in the blood and "bad" cholesterol.

This is the reason why pineapple is recommended to people with HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.

  • Besides being a great fiber resource, pineapples also have enzymes called BROMELAIN, which is a natural anticoagulant.

Bromelain works by breaking down fibrin, the protein substance in blood that causes clotting, and this can be taken on its own a nutritional supplement.

Natural Blood Thinners: Herbs and Spices

Blood thinning spices turmeric curcumin

Nature has other anticoagulants or natural blood thinners:

GINGER, helps make blood platelets less sticky. You can easily add ginger to hot water to make ginger tea, add ginger to stir fry vegetable dishes, or you can cook with spices such as:

TURMERIC or Curcumin helps prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the body.

Since only "oxidized" or "rancid" cholesterol is what damages blood vessels, preventing this "oxidation" will lessen the build up of new cholesterol -- reducing the clogging of your arteries!

• Also helpful, is that turmeric is a good source of vitamin B6, which is needed to keep homocysteine levels from getting too high.

Homocysteine causes blood vessel damage. The plaque build-up is an attempt by your body to "cover up" this damage, but eventually your arteries get clogged and you get heart disease. Vitamin B6 is known to REDUCE the risk of heart disease.

Blood thinning herbs Thyme Dill Oregano and Peppermint

Here's a LIST OF NATURAL BLOOD THINNERS you will want to put on your spice rack and learn how to use:









Natural Blood Thinners: Fish Oil Omegas

Eating fish for blood thinning foods

FISH OIL is an anti-inflammatory and acts as a blood thinner – the Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil – DHA and EPA combined, promote heart health and overall health by:

  • increasing artery flexibility by reducing inflammation
  • decreasing blood clotting and blood vessel constriction
  • long term fish oil supplementation has consistently been shown to reduce artery stiffness – a dosage of 900 mg of DHA and EPA, combined
  • or eating 6 ounces of salmon per week

A daily fish oil supplement can produce a significant blood thinning effect. There are many reasons why you need to add more natural blood thinners -- fruits, vegetables and spices into your diet.

You can avoid a stroke by eating fruits, veggies, omegas and spices -- either along with your medication or to avoid blood thinner medication before your doctor prescribes them.

Because your diet will have some of these natural blood thinners (anticoagulants), patients are asked to check their International Normalized Ratio (INR) often, so as to adjust the dosage of their Warfarin.

You can also consult a nutritionist about how to add more natural anticoagulants to reduce your need for blood thinning medication.

Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT or Leiden V?

Factor V Leiden 5 or Leiden V increases  risk for blood clots depending on other factors

What about if you have an inherited risk for blood clots so you have a higher risk for deep vein thrombosis DVT and pulmonary embolisms?

Worried about a blood clot in the heart, blood clot in leg or blood clot in lung?

Have you been told you have Venous Thrombosis and the Factor V (Leiden) Mutation called Leiden V or Leiden 5)?

  • Excess clotting can occur when there is a disturbance in one of the normal mechanisms that stops clotting or in the natural formation clots, known as factor V mutation.
  • This causes more than normal blood clot risk that is almost always restricted to the veins, where the clotting may cause what's called a deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

This is dangerous if the venous clots break off. These clots can then travel through the right side of the heart to the lung, where they block a pulmonary blood vessel and cause a pulmonary embolism.

Worried about DVT?

·         Even though the relative risk of developing a DVT seems high, the absolute risk of having a DVT is still quite low with factor V Leiden.

According to the American Heart Association:

Factor V Leiden is a weak risk factor for developing blood clots.  Most people who have heterozygous factor V Leiden never develop blood clots!

But if you have a diagnosis of Leiden V you may want natural blood thinners to improve your CIRCULATION and DISSOLVE blood clots before they can cause serious problems!

Eat Bananas to avoid a Stroke?

Bananas as blood thinning fruits in a smoothie

Here's good news about natural blood thinners and anyone who may have had mini stroke warning signs!

A review, of 11 studies following more than 247,000 adults, found that as potassium intake went up, participants' risk of suffering a stroke went down!

  • Foods high in potassium are bananas, cantaloupe, beans, almonds, spinach, beets, salmon and many fruits and vegetables that are healthy choices.

Researchers led by Dr. Lanfranco D'Elia, of the University of Naples Medical School in Italy, combined the results of 11 international studies that followed 247,510 adults for up to 19 years.

  • D' Elia's team found that for every 1,640-milligram increase in people's daily potassium intake, the odds of suffering a stroke declined by 21 percent!

This 21-percent reduction in stroke risk would be a HUGE decrease of strokes -- as many as 1.15 million fewer stroke deaths worldwide each year, according to the medical team led by D'Elia.

(Journal of the American College of Cardiology.)

Make sure you know the signs of a stroke -- especially the signs of a mini stroke. You can find out more about mini stroke warning signs on this site.

Coumadin Food List: Warfarin Diet

Can I eat leafy green vegetables if on blood clot meds?

You've heard about a warfarin vitamin K diet?

Here's a Coumadin food list and guidelines for a proper diet for taking Coumadin:

YES, you CAN eat your GREENS if you are on a blood thinner medication such as Warfarin!

  • Check with your doctor or pharmacist about the rules for blood thinner medication and Vitamin K:

Usually, foods of high or medium Vitamin K content do NOT need to be avoided if...

You eat them consistently.

It is very important to avoid abrupt increases or decreases in the intake of Vitamin K rich foods, especially those with very high levels of vitamin K.

  • As long as you are CONSISTENT you don't need to worry about Coumadin food interactions, or changing your Coumadin dose.

You may want to check with your doctor and pharmacist for a Coumadin food list, and your Coumadin level with the following foods:


• Kale

• Collards

• Parsley

• Seaweed

• Spinach

• Turnip Greens

• Swiss Chard

• Green Tea


• Broccoli

• Brussels Sprouts

• Chick Peas

• Cauliflower

• Collard Greens

• Endive

• Chinese Cabbage

• Lentils

• Soybeans

• Egg Yolks

• Beef Liver


• Asperagus

• Cabbage, white or red

• Celery

• Green Beans

• Green Onion

• Lettuce

• Okra

• Rolled Oats

• Watercress

• Pistacio Nuts

• Wheat Bran

• Soybean Oil

• Wheat Flour

• Chicken Liver

• Wheat Germ

• Chicken and Pork Liver

• Coffee

This Coumadin Food List is from the USDA Nutrient Database

Natural Blood Thinners and Vitamin k2

Vitamin k2 is needed in coronary artery disease diet against calcium build up

New research is showing vitamin k2 is needed to keep calcium from building up in the arteries, so getting enough vitamin k2 is essential to preventing heart disease.

Vitamin K2, which is found in some cheeses, does not seem to interfere with Warfarin or Coumadin.

If you are on blood thinner medication, you do however, need to eat a CONSISTENT amount of foods that are high in vitamin k such as greens, egg yolks and cauliflower.

  • A sudden increase or decrease in foods rich in Vitamin K should be avoided.
  • Patients using warfarin (Coumadin, panwarfarin) need to follow a CONSISTENT eating pattern.

Why? Vitamin K is used by the liver to manufacture some of the clotting factors necessary for clot formation.

Warfarin and Vitamin K interfere with each other’s actions; so that dramatic shifts in eating patterns should be carefully monitored by assessing its impact on prothrombin time.

Prothrombin time is a test that measures how long it takes for blood to clot.

  • It is advised to avoid supplements with Vitamin K as well as alcohol while taking blood thinner medication like Warfarin.

Coumadin and alcohol are one of the Coumadin food interactions that cause problems with your Coumadin level.

  • If you like to take a drink without worries, you're best off to use a Coumadin alternative, such as a safe, natural l arginine supplement.

Better than Aspirin Blood Thinner?

Red wine and resveratrol among natural blood thinners

Grapes also have a flavonoid-type compound called resveratrol, that's found in red wine.

  • It is actually recommended by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that a glass of red wine be taken after evening meals.

Here’s why taking a resveratrol supplement is a good idea:

1) In animal experiments, resveratrol was shown to improve recovery following a heart attack.

2) There have been very promising studies on the ability of Trans-Resveratrol to stimulate production of the gene that slows down the aging process. (SIRT-1 Sirtuin 1)

  • Resveratrol  is also among natural blood thinners.  It both thins the blood and inhibits clots that form in coronary arteries in a similar fashion to aspirin. 
  • But in addition, it has "anti-adhesion" factors that stop plaque from sticking to artery walls.

With the realization that half of the people experiencing a sudden mortal heart attack were taking aspirin on the day of their demise, researchers have begun to search for a more reliable alternative medicine supplement.

According to Dipak Das of the Cardiovascular Research Center at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine says:

  • "As an alternative medicine, resveratrol has a therapeutic promise of being “the best yet devised method of cardioprotection.”

Foods Prevent Blood Clots or Blood Clot Meds?

There are many reasons why you may need to add more natural blood thinners -- fruits, vegetables and spices into your diet.

You can avoid a stroke by eating fruits, veggies, omegas and spices -- either along with your medication or to avoid needing blood thinner medications.

  • Just be aware that these can act as natural blood thinners or anticoagulants.
  • That is why patients should check their International Normalized Ratio (INR) often, so as to adjust their Coumadin dose -- or dosage of their Warfarin.

You can also consult a nutritionist about how to add more natural blood thinners to lessen your need for blood thinning medication.

Ask Us about Safe Supplements:

Can you add a natural treatment for blood clots to your meds?

ASK US about: 

  • Safe supplements that will not interfere with blood thinner medications.
  • Best supplements to avoid LONG TERM side effects of blood thinners
  • Research about how big a risk factor Factor V Leiden 5 is for blood clots. 

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Best Natural Remedies for Blood Clots

Ask doctor about potential interaction between pomegranate juice and warfarin

We recommend that you improve your blood clot treatment with diet, and natural remedies.

Many FRUITS, VEGETABLES and SPICES act as natural blood thinners.

That is why a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is known to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • For instance, bromelain is a blood thinner. Pineapples have enzymes called bromelain, which is a natural anticoagulant.
  • FISH OIL omega supplements are anti inflammatory and keep you arteries flexible as you age – slowing down how fast your arteries age -- and reducing blood clotting and blood vessel constriction.

Our review of natural blood thinners can help you find a Coumadin alternative that suits YOU so you can avoid dangerous warfarin interactions.

Natural blood thinners, or a Coumadin substitute work on a different basis, that stop the CAUSES of coronary heart disease. They also dissolve blood clots, which is something that warfarin does not do.

  • Hopefully you'll try a Coumadin alternative that you can safely use alongside your blood thinner medication while your doctor reduces your Coumadin dosage.
  • Natural remedies for blood clots are safer and easier to help reduce your blood clot risk.
  • With natural blood thinners you will no longer need to have a Coumadin food list handy, worry about coumadin food interactions such as Coumadin and alcohol, or be worried about eating a proper diet for taking Coumadin.

You'll have less worries of a Coumadin overdose, a Coumadin food list or a warfarin vitamin k diet, with diet changes as your blood clot treatment.

  • If you have a high blood clot risk, you'll want to add natural remedies to dissolve blood clots, and ideal protein supplements to prevent blood clots!

By avoiding the side effects of blood thinners LONG TERM, you will be rewarded with vitality and less fear of the future! 

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